Pender Island Art Society
Pender Island Art Society

SS Estevan, lighthouse supply vessel

"SS Estevan, lighthouse supply vessel"

Artist: Malcolm Armstrong

Medium: Oil

Size: 16" x 24"

Price: $2000

To inquire of the artist directly about this work please email:

or call: 250-629-6571

SS Estevan off Langara Island

The Government Steamer ESTEVAN was built in Ontario in 1912 and made her way to the West Coast in 1913 by way of the Straits of Magellan. She worked for 57 years supplying lighthouses, tending buoys and other aids to navigation and providing a variety of services to coastal communities. This work is now done by ships of the Canadian Coast Guard which was formed in 1962.

She is shown here off Langara Point Light House, which is the most northerly lighthouse on the west coast of Canada and was established in 1913.